Just a person tryin to live his life to the fullest

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


2 hari ini aku bertemu dgn 2 orang yang boleh disebut sebagai orang yang sukses dalam kehidupannya..

yang pertama adalah seorang taiwanese yang kira2 uda berumur akhir 40an. aku mengenalnya dari part time sebagai translator chinese-indonesia. seorang lulusan NCHU, dan pernah belajar ilmu melihat garis tangan, wajah, dan bbrp ilmu kuno cina kepada seorang guru 13 tahun lalu.
aku yang tertarik dengan ilmu cina kuno tentu senang sekali ketika dia menawarkan untuk membaca garis tangan 2 orang anak kliennya.

yang kedua adalah seorang indonesian yang sudah 20 tahun lebih hidup di taiwan, juga berumur 50an dan memilih untuk pensiun di indonesia.

Mr. Gandhi, begitu nama panggilannya, berasal dari indonesia, lahir di medan, kampung baru.
hari ini dia bercerita sedikit tentang riwayat hidupnya.
umur 16 uda turun ke masyarakat berkerja mencari uang, dia pernah bekerja jadi pengolah paspor, yup, mengolah paspor palsu dan asli dengan pendapatan minimal 15 juta perbulan. kemudian melarikan diri ke taiwan setelah ada urusan dengan polisi. di taiwan juga menjalankan usaha gelap memasukkan pekerja ilegal dari indo. tapi karena memiliki koneksi dengan pejabat kedubes taiwan dan indo, ga pernah ditangkap dan bebas untuk keluar masuk dan tinggal di taiwan walaupun tanpa ktp taiwan dan visa pengunjung yang hanya 2 minggu.
dia merupakan yang tertua dari 6 bersaudara, dan sekarang saudara keduanya memiliki pabrik di cengkareng yang memproduksi speaker merk GPX. omset 3000 set perbulan = kira2 1.5 milliar perbulan.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

75 skills every man should master

I like these....

23. Be loyal. You will fail at it. You have already. A man who does not know loyalty, from both ends, does not know men. Loyalty is not a matter of give-and-take: He did me a favor, therefore I owe him one. No. No. No. It is the recognition of a bond, the honoring of a shared history, the reemergence of the vows we make in the tight times. It doesn't mean complete agreement or invisible blood ties. It is a currency of selflessness, given without expectation and capable of the most stellar return.

32. Describe a glass of wine in one sentence without using the terms nutty, fruity, oaky, finish, or kick. I once stood in a wine store in West Hollywood where the owner described a pinot noir he favored as "a night walk through a wet garden." I bought it. I went to my hotel and drank it by myself, looking at the flickering city with my feet on the windowsill. I don't know which was more right, the wine or the vision that he placed in my head. Point is, it was right.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Israel Kamakiwiwole- Somewhere over the rainbow+what a wonderful world Ukulele remix

I was searching for a perfect song to practice my guitar, when i stumbled upon this version of the song by Iz, so touching, listened to it 100 times already... yet i still cry when i sing along with it.

This will be my first song to memorize all the chords and the lyrics...

Thursday, April 24, 2008


zzzz 我今天應該跟一些人說一聲對不起.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


吃喝玩樂的五年大學, 也快結束了.
進入社會的時間也快到了, 等我暑修完, 領了畢業證書, 就是正式的開始.
要面對的不少, 除了找適合的工作, 還要面對我的未來做決定.
還有家的壓力, 兩位弟弟還在大學, 爸爸快退休, 媽媽一真希望我回去陪他.
我想說, 可以留在台灣, 為什麼不留呢. 雖然最近政治不太穩定,

其實, 人要活的快樂, 活得沒有後悔, 才正正感受到生活. 因為那些痛苦, 那些悲哀, 只是用來教我們怎麼去珍惜快樂, 喜愛.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

not feeling well today


聊天, 跟人家分享心事啊....

悶在家, 翹課, 下禮拜要考試卻不讀書, 電腦前面玩無聊遊戲

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


just sitting on this seat make me feel useless....
so i decided to write something that comes to my mind.

I was playing this game. Thing-thing 4.
a great game indeed. to kill until you are killed.
until i was stuck in the 2nd elevator for about 10 mins.... and i think i've had enough. haha

right now im on my part time job as a waiter who sits next to the entrance, and to ask people for their autograph. kinda boring, but i love this job. I get surrounded by art!
This time the exhibition is a photography exhibition. by 董敏 and 莊靈. i have some photograph of the exhibition. i'll upload it when i can..

im soo poor right now that i dont even have the money to buy me new clothes.... i case i can't pay next month' rent for my home.

i have to find a way to make money, lots of it, and fast. of course not by doing some illegal stuffs like selling Ma, or Coke, or even Ex..
right now i'm still finding my own road to walk through. and i need every help i can get to guide me to that road.

for me, money isn't always a problem, i've been living in a middle income family for my whole life, and now is my turning point.