Just a person tryin to live his life to the fullest
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Copied from Astrology.com
Right now you have two equally seductive choices: first, the cozy comforts of your own home, complete with cushy sofa and cozy lighting. On the other hand, there is the open road, which, though it may contain countless perils, could alter your life for the better. Which should you take? If you stay too close to home where everything is safe and sound, you will be happy, but you'll always wonder. If you take the new path, new growth will result. But you have to let go first.
Daily Extended Forecast for September 29, 2004
When you want love, love will find you. If your need to create is in overdrive, anything you touch will turn into an art project. Time is your friend once you learn to give it exactly the importance it deserves -- no more, no less. The stars want you to have fun. And if you're not already having fun, expect festive interference from unlikely sources. For instance, imagine your door flying open as a pack of giggling children pour into your room. The innocent and naive turn out to be your best teachers. Those who work in education are probably quite familiar with this miracle already.
All of my thoughts last night was poured into these two....
Feeling Blue
rather, 3 years ago is enough...
How i wish i can hang out lots more with my friends back then.... not just being a mom's boy... without any will to go out from the safe feeling that an old house gave....
wish i could live my life to the fullest back then...
wish i could make someting happened, instead of waiting for it to happen....
i hate that kind of life now..... like i was not in control of my life.....
i wish i played more sports, not just not being able to play, and then just sat back in the corner, crying at myself....
My world is small back then.... as small as that i believed my big family is the only i need for my whole life.....
i hope that my brother don't get the same condition as i had...
Right now, I'm hating myself back then........
time's left... past' gone, present on the go, future awaits
i don't even share my feelings to my mom, or dad....
more over to my bros, friends, or anything .....
kept them to myself, just to be forgotten....
Gotta admit... I'm a naive person back then.....
believe in nobody.... just me and myself......
maybe i've changed... abit...
Until now, i shared my feelings to only a girl.... was so close to me that now i feel that she is soo far way.....
Thank God for letting me to met her, to learn from her, to make me realize myself....
i'm going to grab the best part of my lifetime...
my youth, my college life.... not gonna regret it the way i regretted my high school life...
one lifetime regret is enough for me.....
When it comes to time, what's done can't be undone.....
finished bloggin... goin to sleep now..
gotta wake up at 7. max 8 ..
Monday, September 27, 2004
Love is all around
That cloud,.. that special cloud,.... the only cloud that flew so low. From my viewpoint, the cloud was moving from the right down corner towards the moon in the center. Somehow, i felt that something special is going to happen....
And so it did,....
That cloud, as clever as it could be, was making a shape of the heart, acting as the circumference, with the heart-shaped hole inside...the V side facing 3 o'clock. At this time, the moon is right in the edge of the heart....
The second heart,... was a full heart, aligned perfectly with our view, with the moon near the center of the heart....
The third heart,... was also a full heart, aligned perfectly,.. but this time an arrow pierced into it,..the head pointed at 3 o'clock.....
And then, the shape of the Genie in Alladin's movie..... with the moon just above it's head,...
somehow,.. it silently told me that tonight is special.....
The show was closed with the genie, placing it's right hand on it's chest,.. slowly diappeared in front of my eyes......
26.09.04. 10.30 - 10.45
It's comforting to know that something special, is keeping an eye on me.....
and makin all those things happens.... and by the same time,... giving a love message to my friends that is in love....
Thank You, Whatever you are......
Friday, September 17, 2004
my 16th sept
Thursday, September 16, 2004
The feeling of a perfect day....
Greeted by Nature...
Cloudy sky....
Rain dropping,.....
the green leaves of those trees in front of my room window, with drops of water clinging at the very side.
The temperature that can make every single person in this world don't wanna leave the comfort of his/her bed...
But,.. a job is a job...
Left my room,..
Outside was even better,...
Right hand gripping an umbrella,...
Left hand holding my bike,...
Legs started to move,..
Wheels rolling,..
Heading for a building inside my University...
Strode along that same road everytime,...
but,... this morning, something was different....
I feel like I was,...
Greeted by Nature...
Cloudy sky....
Rain dropping,.....
Right hand gripping an umbrella,...
Left hand holding my bike,...
Legs pedalling,..
Wheels rolling,..
Those winds,...touched my face as to comfort me...
Those raindrops,.. tipped my left hand as to seduce me...
Those trees,..silently standing beside the road as their green leaves waving at me...
Even silently,.. I can hear the echoes of nature....
so pure....
at that very moment,...
am living in paradise......
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Thx Ant'z
The greatest Joy..........................................Giving
The greatest loss..........................................Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work...........................Helping others
The ugliest personality trait.......................Selfishness
The most endangered species....................Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource....................Our youth
The greatest "shot in the arm"...................Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome............Fear
The most effective sleeping pill..................Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease..............Excuses
The most powerful force in life...................Love
The most dangerous pariah.........................A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer.......The brain
The worst thing to be without.....................Hope
The deadliest weapon...................................The tongue
The two most power-filled words..............."I Can"
The greatest asset........................................Faith
The most worthless emotion......................Self-pity
The most beautiful attire............................SMILE!
The most prized possession........................Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication...Prayer
The most contagious spirit.........................Enthusiasm
First Day of the Week
The Day started as usual.... headphone hanging on my head all night,.. woke up bcos duty called... then got back to my room,.. lying around for half an hour.. can't sleep oledi...Got up, sat infront of my "lovely" comp, swept some mine, and then had lunch alone....
The day officially started when Dian mess me telling that one of the XueMei is coming this afternoon,.. taking bus from Jinan at 12.10...so approximately she and her older sister will be in Taichung at 2.30. Told others about their arrival, I was assigned to pick them up at the train station,... Planned to take a bath at 2, and then wait for a bus at 12.15. The plan was beautifully altered when Stella called me (when you read this, don't feel sorry, becoz I myself felt grateful that you called, Life is like a box of chocolate - Forrest Gump) telling me how things had gone so awful(I can feel that she needed me by her side right now)...Hung up the phone, made some "brownies", realized it was already 2.15... and I wont be able to make it on time if i take a bath. but when I had that "urge", I know I'll need a bath, so I took a bath, changed with clean clothing, and go waited for a bus..by that time, it was already 2.30.. waited the bus for more than 20 mins...(by that time, I said to myself, if things had to go like this, well then it gotta happen for a reason, and the reason gotta be good!) Picked them up at 3.10, brought them to women's dorm. by then, it was 3.30. Finished my duty, I know it's time for myself to do what I need to do to fulfill my destiny...So I made up my mind, took a bus back to the train station, bought a ticket for a train at 16.01, delayed 6 mins to 16.07. Boarded the train, car 7 seat 19. Sat beside an old man, approximately 70-80 of age... Saw him tryin to call his relatives by using a 5-years-ago handphone, It couldn't connect,.. so I asked him whether he needed some help with the cellphone. Me too, tried to call with his phone without any result, no ringing tone. 053799019. so I offered to use my cell to call. 16.15, first attempt, the ringing tone is there, but noone was there to picked up the phone. 2nd attempt, 16.30 came up with the same result, nobody was there. Lucky for him that on my 3rd attempt at 16.45 I heard a woman's sound. so I handed him my phone, he talked to her for a few seconds, telling her that he's coming and then hung up. When he handed back my phone, He thanked me by lightly patting my right wrist 3 times. (I'm just a person who is trying to live his life to the fullest, and by the same time, helping other's). Sat for a while, my mind began wondering. I said to myself: "I am already on this train, and there is only one road left to be taken. I don't want to regret not doing the thing that I won't regret doing, whatever gonna happen, it will be worthy,.. always worthy......"
Arrived at CiaYi train station at 17.01, bought a 17.30 bus ticket to CCU (gotta thank A Star for that SMS). Called Stella to tell her that I'm oledi at CiaYi..Listened to her respond of the surprise (Planned to give her a surprise by calling her when I arrived infront of her dorm, but I can't help myself bcos of the fear that she may not gonna be around if I do exactly what i've planned).
It's like all of this have been planned...flawlessly...
7-9-04 .....unforgettable.....
I wish the time can be paused when we need it to stop for a while...to fly,.. away,... far from reality.......
And yes, I believe in soulmates.....
Friday, September 03, 2004
Not so bad laaaa, not so good either *.^
Hari ini.... hari Kamis ,(loh,.. bukannya uda Jum'at pagi??) ( ya ngga donk!, kan hari ini lom dinyatakan selesai, ya ngga?!)
jam 7.22 pagi dibangunin Wenhua, ringkasan obrolannya kira2 begini( tentunya dalam bahasa sehari-hari kita)
Hua: Uei, loe uda siap lom??
Me: Ha? apa? (suara gua yang baru dibangunin)
Hua: Looh... Loe mau pigi gaaa?
Me: *baru tringat* Mao maooo.....
Hua: Ya udah,.. cepetan abis mandi langsung jalan kluar ke gerbang..
Me: OK deh...
singkat cerita,... kita sudah sampe di Junfusun Fancy World pada pukul 10.30 tanpa halangan yang berarti,...walaopun itu berarti melewatkan satu hari kerja yang baru dimulai satu hari sebelumnya.....
Coaster pertama yang dinaiki namanya G5DivingMachine. Sesuai namanya, coaster yang satu ini menarik karena jalurnya yang berbentuk huruf "U" betul sodara2.. huruf U! Perasaan ketika turun sampai saat ini masi teringat jelas,...jantung yang berdebar ketika coaster blom mencapai posisi puncak,..The feeling of excitement ketika coaster berhenti sekitar 5 detik pas ditepi "jurang",.. en the feeling of freedom,.. perasaan yang tidak merasakan apa2 ketika coaster itu bagaikan "jatuh" dan "terbang" kembali. All u can do was just letting yourself to flow with the ride...
After that,..makan siang di ComicLand,.. tempatnya cukup keren,.. karena dindingnya dihiasi gambar2 dari komik Jepang yang terkenal,.. dari Naruto, sampe Doraemon...
Basically ga semua ride yang ada disana dinaiki dengan alasan yang cukup simpel.. ga menyukai perasaan mual yang ditimbulkan setelah menaiki ride yang kerjanya hanya berputar pada porosnya....
Another coaster yang cukup seru dinamakan FloorlessCoaster. Coaster yang satu ini merupakan coaster panjang (hampir sama seperti di game RollerCoasterTycoon) yang dilengkapi dengan loop loop yang cukup menarik,. 2 loop berbentuk O dan 2 loop 360.
Wahana terakhir yang dinaiki berupa Bianglala(kata si Robert :Baling-Baling)(*>\sebuah roda sepeda super besar yang pada setiap ujung luar jari2nya digantung sebuah kotak hadiah yang dinaiki oleh manusia2 yang ingin menikmati suasana ketinggian bagakan terbang dengan helikopter/<*) super besar yang merupakan simbol dari JunfusunFancyWorld...
Overall,... The day was more than just plain good...
But not enough to make it a perfect day....