Just a person tryin to live his life to the fullest

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Just found out

Maybe all that ads about my blog in bbs in not helping at all...

Yes, my blog has been read by more and more people,...
but something's changed....

usually, when writing my blog, I only considered a little for my readers....
most of the times, never even thought about them.....

but lately,...
I can't even write my blog the same way I used to be.....
Started a new post, but can't finish it.....
Maybe because I started it as an obligation to update my blog for my reader....
not for my self-fulfillment anymore.....
Kinda hate it.....

But I'm changing it....
been thinking about it for days....
and I thought... the reader wants to read what's in my heart and head....

It's not for them, The main reason I wrote those posts are for myself.
My blog is 4 myself to read, and for other's to find enlightment in reading my life, in my thought that is poured in here.....

I'll write when I feel like writing....
I'll post when I feel like posting...

Ps: for reader,.. Thank You for the comments... Directly or Indirectly, Positive or Negative...

It's A Pleasure to Found Out that there are people who actually read your thoughts, and commented it....

Real Life AI??

Something inside me keeps telling me that
Just a Complex yet Simple Yes No Program.....
can simulate a real life Artificial Intelligence....

Dunno what made me said that,
maybe bcos of all those emotions, all those feelings I've through....

Felt something,.. but don't know what I feel....
know it's there, but don't know what it is....

and then deduct it to make a hypothesis......

XD, 亂想

Study laar

Friday, November 26, 2004

Becoming 20

In the morning,
kinda foggy,
made me feel like i'm somewhere else,...
those sunrays above the tree,
blurred by the fog...
those fresh air surround me....
someplace that doesn't belong in this world...
but in my heart.....
Today is my BirthDay
Today is Friday
Today i'm gonna Travel
Today is a FullMoon Night

Ah,.... life,.. at it's best

26 Nov 2004

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Lately, I kinda have done lotsa thinking....maybe bcos my brain got more active time than the usual considering all the studying for the middterm exam...
When taking shower, when riding a bicycle, even when the teacher's talking!
It's like my mind can just wander off to anywhere he wanted to go, anytime...

problem2 kecil sehari2 yang biasanya luput dari pengamatan dan seperti menghilang dari dunia...

Percaya ga sih sarapan itu bisa menaikkan berat badan?
Berat badan gua ga pernah naek sejak datang dari Indo. Tapi gara2 kerjaan jadi tukang sampah semenjak mulainya semester3 yang mengharuskan gua untuk bisa bangun pagi....( jam 8 tiap pagi...T.T) Jadinya terbiasa deh ama sarapan pagi...Dan akhir2 ini sepertinya tubuh gua jadi tambah oke aja...XD(ato mungkin cuman gua yang merasa..... hahaha).

Kenapa gua sering merasa kalo sebagian anak kelas yang dicap sbg anak rajin bakalan jadi guru di masa depan??
Dari postur tubuh yang kurus, kecil, dan berkacamata bulat, (hampir sama deh ama guru di jurusan gua!) sampe sifat2 khas seperti terlalu polos(bisa ga senang kalo loe minjem jawaban latihan ), ga mempersoalkan penampilan(bisa pake baju2 "lama" plus bau badan yang "menyengat" ke kelas)..................hahahaha.... we'll leave those things to the future.

=p..... auk ah,... mending balek baca buku deh...
sebenarnya masi banyak hal2 laen yang cukup kreatif untuk dipikirkan.. cuman kebentur ama satu masalah terbesar....LUPA......=.=.....

^^ session ended at 02.28