Just a person tryin to live his life to the fullest

Monday, December 20, 2004

This weekend on hsincu

lotsa things happened this weekend.... much of them are nice ones....but some aren't so good either....
my last trip there was last year's winter holiday...
i'm writing this because I want to keep my thought, and take lessons from my trip this time...

Friday night, 17 Dec 2004
me and acong got off to taicung train station at around 10.45, but when we got there, there is already no train, nor buses going to hsincu....asked here and there, at 1st we decided to return home, but when we tried to use our last chance, we got an answer that a bus is going to hsincu, but it will only drop us at hsincu's intertown's highway... with the price of 220!.. yeah, kinda expensive huh...but what the heck, and so we gone....

arrived there at almost 2 am in the morning...(yeah, we waited for an exchange bus for more than half hour at chauma's bus station)....got there, acong made a call, then we waited for them to bring us to the meeting place... after waited for about 10 minutes, I got a strange feeling telling me that they are coming, and then, looking at the other side of the road, i saw two motorcycle, my feeling suddenly told me that it's them, one must be tilong, and with a guy....I laughed at myself,.. "No way?!, is it really it?" and when they made it i just shocked, and laughed all the way....

saturday morning, KTV at cashbox...
tilong got her room key lost....
sleep at 6 am, and woke up at 12... for me, i didn't get to really conscious for half of the day....
1 thing learned:
- when i'm driving motorcycle following another, I can get so concentrated and that my eyes only looked at the red lamp behind the motorcycle.....it's like my mind is programmed just to follow what the one infront do, turning when he turned, braking when he braked....
I'm trying to reduce that happening by now, and i think i'm getting better and better....
and i think that's why i can hardly remember the road.....

saturday night, watching movie... National treasure...
nice movie, I think the theme is taken from the da vinci code.... because it also talked about the free mason secret society and the knight templar, and about treasure for the world...( get the point?)

sat night, when goin back to ciao ta's dorm, i saw a dead pigeon on the road, then, a dead rat,...
and then, my motorcycle goes out....
2nd lesson learned:
- when you don't know which level of unleaded gas the motorcycle use, always opt for the higher one....

sunday morning, to evening, trip to beipu,
nice place, too bad that the lion head mountain was too steep for our motorcycle to get there...

nice company by shindy's younger sister....


nite all - 01.51

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Just found out

Maybe all that ads about my blog in bbs in not helping at all...

Yes, my blog has been read by more and more people,...
but something's changed....

usually, when writing my blog, I only considered a little for my readers....
most of the times, never even thought about them.....

but lately,...
I can't even write my blog the same way I used to be.....
Started a new post, but can't finish it.....
Maybe because I started it as an obligation to update my blog for my reader....
not for my self-fulfillment anymore.....
Kinda hate it.....

But I'm changing it....
been thinking about it for days....
and I thought... the reader wants to read what's in my heart and head....

It's not for them, The main reason I wrote those posts are for myself.
My blog is 4 myself to read, and for other's to find enlightment in reading my life, in my thought that is poured in here.....

I'll write when I feel like writing....
I'll post when I feel like posting...

Ps: for reader,.. Thank You for the comments... Directly or Indirectly, Positive or Negative...

It's A Pleasure to Found Out that there are people who actually read your thoughts, and commented it....

Real Life AI??

Something inside me keeps telling me that
Just a Complex yet Simple Yes No Program.....
can simulate a real life Artificial Intelligence....

Dunno what made me said that,
maybe bcos of all those emotions, all those feelings I've through....

Felt something,.. but don't know what I feel....
know it's there, but don't know what it is....

and then deduct it to make a hypothesis......

XD, 亂想

Study laar

Friday, November 26, 2004

Becoming 20

In the morning,
kinda foggy,
made me feel like i'm somewhere else,...
those sunrays above the tree,
blurred by the fog...
those fresh air surround me....
someplace that doesn't belong in this world...
but in my heart.....
Today is my BirthDay
Today is Friday
Today i'm gonna Travel
Today is a FullMoon Night

Ah,.... life,.. at it's best

26 Nov 2004

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Lately, I kinda have done lotsa thinking....maybe bcos my brain got more active time than the usual considering all the studying for the middterm exam...
When taking shower, when riding a bicycle, even when the teacher's talking!
It's like my mind can just wander off to anywhere he wanted to go, anytime...

problem2 kecil sehari2 yang biasanya luput dari pengamatan dan seperti menghilang dari dunia...

Percaya ga sih sarapan itu bisa menaikkan berat badan?
Berat badan gua ga pernah naek sejak datang dari Indo. Tapi gara2 kerjaan jadi tukang sampah semenjak mulainya semester3 yang mengharuskan gua untuk bisa bangun pagi....( jam 8 tiap pagi...T.T) Jadinya terbiasa deh ama sarapan pagi...Dan akhir2 ini sepertinya tubuh gua jadi tambah oke aja...XD(ato mungkin cuman gua yang merasa..... hahaha).

Kenapa gua sering merasa kalo sebagian anak kelas yang dicap sbg anak rajin bakalan jadi guru di masa depan??
Dari postur tubuh yang kurus, kecil, dan berkacamata bulat, (hampir sama deh ama guru di jurusan gua!) sampe sifat2 khas seperti terlalu polos(bisa ga senang kalo loe minjem jawaban latihan ), ga mempersoalkan penampilan(bisa pake baju2 "lama" plus bau badan yang "menyengat" ke kelas)..................hahahaha.... we'll leave those things to the future.

=p..... auk ah,... mending balek baca buku deh...
sebenarnya masi banyak hal2 laen yang cukup kreatif untuk dipikirkan.. cuman kebentur ama satu masalah terbesar....LUPA......=.=.....

^^ session ended at 02.28

Sunday, October 31, 2004

The last day of October 2004

Took 24 credits this semester, got only 36 credits from last year.

Before the start of this semester, Listened to how my senior told me how they was in their second year. I've been preparing myself for all the difficulties that I know i will face.
And it is.....
from most to least
Microelectronics, Advanced Engineering Math, Electromagnetics, Electronic Circuits, Data Structure, Microprocessor.
I'm working my best to save myself, but i don't think i'll make it all out.
if someof them gonna be sacrificed, i think it's the first two. The most difficult one. I don't even understand even when i've read it.(well, maybe bcos i only read it once or twice).


Started this semester with about 25000nt in bank. began working as a "garbage man" since September 2004 with an income of 3000nt permonth. With the additional 3300nt(gov suport money), the total income per month is around 6000nt. But my expenses permonth is 6000-8000nt. So i've been starting to save more money, so that i can buy a ticket back to Indo when this semester is over.


Only alil bit of it left now, to keep the memory of her, and all the times we passed 2gether.
The exitement of starting the new me also has gone dry, left behind only a few of the residue, the residue that has given me hope, to keep moving on, even in much slower pace now...
met two girls, both are sisters. kinda like to flirt with them, bcos of their reaction when i make jokes out of them. I think that the younger has begin to start thinking that i did all those things to get close to her, her eyesight makes me think so (maybe i'm exxagerrating things). Well, I dont think that she'll make the move, neither will i. Bcos, i'm not into that right now, bsides, she's just an 'average' girl.(girl reader dont get mad at me ok?!, I have my own appetite *lolz*)
that's about it,
session ended at 03.40

Friday, October 22, 2004

What a waste of Time!!!!

Sitting in front of my computer, without knowing what to do!
pathetic! should've done something more for my life!
What the heck am I thinking!
sitting there like waiting for sumthing to happen,
Gotta try not to let these kinda things happen again!
time's too precious to be left over just like that!
I need a light to lead my dark path.....
just hope i'm good enough to cross it.....

Thursday, October 14, 2004

One kind of loneliness

13th oct ...

the time has come.....

Loneliness huh?
sitting in front of a computer with messenger online,... but not knowing what to do,.....
been through it lotsa times...
i guess it's just that, what's she's trying to avoid,...all those times...
and I think i just got lucky to be the one to be talked to......

so I was only exxagerating things........ hahaha...
made a fool out of myself..........

journey travelled, time passed, lesson learned, no regrets... .
Thank God I met you.

終於, 我寮解......
i understand it now... or I think I do...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Nice One......Love it

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.
You never know who these people may be;.... your roommate,..... your neighbor,....professor,..... long lost friend, lover or even a complete stranger who,when you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.
And sometimes things happen to you and at the time they may seem rather horrible,....painful and unfair,... but in reflection you will realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never have realized your potential, your strength, your will power of heart.
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments, or true greatness and sheer stupidity;... all occur to test the limits of the soul.
Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smooth paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.
The people you meet who affect your life and helped create successes and downfalls you experienced, are the ones who create who you are. Even the bad experience can be learned from... Those lessons are the hardestand probably the most important ones!
If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart... forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart, and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them.
Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen, let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors as well as struggles in life.Have a fighting spirit and never hesitate to get back in the struggle!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Copied from Astrology.com

Daily Extended Forecast for September 28, 2004

Right now you have two equally seductive choices: first, the cozy comforts of your own home, complete with cushy sofa and cozy lighting. On the other hand, there is the open road, which, though it may contain countless perils, could alter your life for the better. Which should you take? If you stay too close to home where everything is safe and sound, you will be happy, but you'll always wonder. If you take the new path, new growth will result. But you have to let go first.

Daily Extended Forecast for September 29, 2004

When you want love, love will find you. If your need to create is in overdrive, anything you touch will turn into an art project. Time is your friend once you learn to give it exactly the importance it deserves -- no more, no less. The stars want you to have fun. And if you're not already having fun, expect festive interference from unlikely sources. For instance, imagine your door flying open as a pack of giggling children pour into your room. The innocent and naive turn out to be your best teachers. Those who work in education are probably quite familiar with this miracle already.

All of my thoughts last night was poured into these two....

Feeling Blue

How i wish i can get back to the place where it began 4 years ago..., no,.. not 4 years ago....
rather, 3 years ago is enough...

How i wish i can hang out lots more with my friends back then.... not just being a mom's boy... without any will to go out from the safe feeling that an old house gave....

wish i could live my life to the fullest back then...
wish i could make someting happened, instead of waiting for it to happen....
i hate that kind of life now..... like i was not in control of my life.....
i wish i played more sports, not just not being able to play, and then just sat back in the corner, crying at myself....
My world is small back then.... as small as that i believed my big family is the only i need for my whole life.....
i hope that my brother don't get the same condition as i had...

Right now, I'm hating myself back then........

time's left... past' gone, present on the go, future awaits

i don't even share my feelings to my mom, or dad....
more over to my bros, friends, or anything .....
kept them to myself, just to be forgotten....
Gotta admit... I'm a naive person back then.....
believe in nobody.... just me and myself......

maybe i've changed... abit...
Until now, i shared my feelings to only a girl.... was so close to me that now i feel that she is soo far way.....

Thank God for letting me to met her, to learn from her, to make me realize myself....

i'm going to grab the best part of my lifetime...
my youth, my college life.... not gonna regret it the way i regretted my high school life...
one lifetime regret is enough for me.....

When it comes to time, what's done can't be undone.....

finished bloggin... goin to sleep now..
gotta wake up at 7. max 8 ..

Monday, September 27, 2004

Love is all around

Earlier this night,...I was sitting around with 4 other friends on a dock-like wooden stage at the side of our univ small lake, chatting, eatin some snacks, laughin at Komeng's jokes, Then, it was like the messenger of Love has came around. Charles girlfriend called from Jakarta, Adith was on a message session also wif his girlfriend in Jakarta, Sunjoto also called his girlfriend in Tainan, while me and Jiacung laughing at Komeng while he made some funny moves, and then I looked up..... I saw a show, a beautiful one,... Conducted by a gasp of cloud, and a pill of Moon that shone so brightly tonight, that it's shine was like a shower of warm love,.... charming.....
That cloud,.. that special cloud,.... the only cloud that flew so low. From my viewpoint, the cloud was moving from the right down corner towards the moon in the center. Somehow, i felt that something special is going to happen....
And so it did,....
That cloud, as clever as it could be, was making a shape of the heart, acting as the circumference, with the heart-shaped hole inside...the V side facing 3 o'clock. At this time, the moon is right in the edge of the heart....
The second heart,... was a full heart, aligned perfectly with our view, with the moon near the center of the heart....
The third heart,... was also a full heart, aligned perfectly,.. but this time an arrow pierced into it,..the head pointed at 3 o'clock.....

And then, the shape of the Genie in Alladin's movie..... with the moon just above it's head,...
somehow,.. it silently told me that tonight is special.....
The show was closed with the genie, placing it's right hand on it's chest,.. slowly diappeared in front of my eyes......

26.09.04. 10.30 - 10.45

It's comforting to know that something special, is keeping an eye on me.....
and makin all those things happens.... and by the same time,... giving a love message to my friends that is in love....

Thank You, Whatever you are......

Friday, September 17, 2004

my 16th sept

You knew this was going to be a great day when you bounded out of bed this morning, didn't you? Feel the benefit of these stars as they radiate on a day that was already scheduled for greatness. You aren't sure how it happened, but your debts to the universe have been paid in full. This is your chance to start anew, with a clean slate. Just as you had hoped, events will take care of themselves.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


Woke up this morning,.... and that feeling starts creeping in...

The feeling of a perfect day....

Greeted by Nature...

Cloudy sky....
Rain dropping,.....
the green leaves of those trees in front of my room window, with drops of water clinging at the very side.
The temperature that can make every single person in this world don't wanna leave the comfort of his/her bed...

But,.. a job is a job...

Left my room,..

Outside was even better,...

Right hand gripping an umbrella,...
Left hand holding my bike,...
Legs started to move,..
Wheels rolling,..
Heading for a building inside my University...

Strode along that same road everytime,...
but,... this morning, something was different....

I feel like I was,...

Greeted by Nature...

Cloudy sky....
Rain dropping,.....
Right hand gripping an umbrella,...
Left hand holding my bike,...
Legs pedalling,..
Wheels rolling,..
Those winds,...touched my face as to comfort me...
Those raindrops,.. tipped my left hand as to seduce me...
Those trees,..silently standing beside the road as their green leaves waving at me...

Even silently,.. I can hear the echoes of nature....
so pure....

at that very moment,...
am living in paradise......

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Thx Ant'z

The most destructive habit.......................Worry
The greatest Joy..........................................Giving
The greatest loss..........................................Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work...........................Helping others
The ugliest personality trait.......................Selfishness
The most endangered species....................Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource....................Our youth
The greatest "shot in the arm"...................Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome............Fear
The most effective sleeping pill..................Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease..............Excuses
The most powerful force in life...................Love
The most dangerous pariah.........................A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer.......The brain
The worst thing to be without.....................Hope
The deadliest weapon...................................The tongue
The two most power-filled words..............."I Can"
The greatest asset........................................Faith
The most worthless emotion......................Self-pity
The most beautiful attire............................SMILE!
The most prized possession........................Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication...Prayer
The most contagious spirit.........................Enthusiasm

First Day of the Week

All I can say is....PerFecT!

The Day started as usual.... headphone hanging on my head all night,.. woke up bcos duty called... then got back to my room,.. lying around for half an hour.. can't sleep oledi...Got up, sat infront of my "lovely" comp, swept some mine, and then had lunch alone....

The day officially started when Dian mess me telling that one of the XueMei is coming this afternoon,.. taking bus from Jinan at 12.10...so approximately she and her older sister will be in Taichung at 2.30. Told others about their arrival, I was assigned to pick them up at the train station,... Planned to take a bath at 2, and then wait for a bus at 12.15. The plan was beautifully altered when Stella called me (when you read this, don't feel sorry, becoz I myself felt grateful that you called, Life is like a box of chocolate - Forrest Gump) telling me how things had gone so awful(I can feel that she needed me by her side right now)...Hung up the phone, made some "brownies", realized it was already 2.15... and I wont be able to make it on time if i take a bath. but when I had that "urge", I know I'll need a bath, so I took a bath, changed with clean clothing, and go waited for a bus..by that time, it was already 2.30.. waited the bus for more than 20 mins...(by that time, I said to myself, if things had to go like this, well then it gotta happen for a reason, and the reason gotta be good!) Picked them up at 3.10, brought them to women's dorm. by then, it was 3.30. Finished my duty, I know it's time for myself to do what I need to do to fulfill my destiny...So I made up my mind, took a bus back to the train station, bought a ticket for a train at 16.01, delayed 6 mins to 16.07. Boarded the train, car 7 seat 19. Sat beside an old man, approximately 70-80 of age... Saw him tryin to call his relatives by using a 5-years-ago handphone, It couldn't connect,.. so I asked him whether he needed some help with the cellphone. Me too, tried to call with his phone without any result, no ringing tone. 053799019. so I offered to use my cell to call. 16.15, first attempt, the ringing tone is there, but noone was there to picked up the phone. 2nd attempt, 16.30 came up with the same result, nobody was there. Lucky for him that on my 3rd attempt at 16.45 I heard a woman's sound. so I handed him my phone, he talked to her for a few seconds, telling her that he's coming and then hung up. When he handed back my phone, He thanked me by lightly patting my right wrist 3 times. (I'm just a person who is trying to live his life to the fullest, and by the same time, helping other's). Sat for a while, my mind began wondering. I said to myself: "I am already on this train, and there is only one road left to be taken. I don't want to regret not doing the thing that I won't regret doing, whatever gonna happen, it will be worthy,.. always worthy......"
Arrived at CiaYi train station at 17.01, bought a 17.30 bus ticket to CCU (gotta thank A Star for that SMS). Called Stella to tell her that I'm oledi at CiaYi..Listened to her respond of the surprise (Planned to give her a surprise by calling her when I arrived infront of her dorm, but I can't help myself bcos of the fear that she may not gonna be around if I do exactly what i've planned).

It's like all of this have been planned...flawlessly...
7-9-04 .....unforgettable.....

I wish the time can be paused when we need it to stop for a while...to fly,.. away,... far from reality.......
And yes, I believe in soulmates.....


Friday, September 03, 2004

Not so bad laaaa, not so good either *.^

Hari ini.... hari Kamis ,(loh,.. bukannya uda Jum'at pagi??) ( ya ngga donk!, kan hari ini lom dinyatakan selesai, ya ngga?!)

jam 7.22 pagi dibangunin Wenhua, ringkasan obrolannya kira2 begini( tentunya dalam bahasa sehari-hari kita)

Hua: Uei, loe uda siap lom??

Me: Ha? apa? (suara gua yang baru dibangunin)

Hua: Looh... Loe mau pigi gaaa?

Me: *baru tringat* Mao maooo.....

Hua: Ya udah,.. cepetan abis mandi langsung jalan kluar ke gerbang..

Me: OK deh...

singkat cerita,... kita sudah sampe di Junfusun Fancy World pada pukul 10.30 tanpa halangan yang berarti,...walaopun itu berarti melewatkan satu hari kerja yang baru dimulai satu hari sebelumnya.....

Coaster pertama yang dinaiki namanya G5DivingMachine. Sesuai namanya, coaster yang satu ini menarik karena jalurnya yang berbentuk huruf "U" betul sodara2.. huruf U! Perasaan ketika turun sampai saat ini masi teringat jelas,...jantung yang berdebar ketika coaster blom mencapai posisi puncak,..The feeling of excitement ketika coaster berhenti sekitar 5 detik pas ditepi "jurang",.. en the feeling of freedom,.. perasaan yang tidak merasakan apa2 ketika coaster itu bagaikan "jatuh" dan "terbang" kembali. All u can do was just letting yourself to flow with the ride...

After that,..makan siang di ComicLand,.. tempatnya cukup keren,.. karena dindingnya dihiasi gambar2 dari komik Jepang yang terkenal,.. dari Naruto, sampe Doraemon...

Basically ga semua ride yang ada disana dinaiki dengan alasan yang cukup simpel.. ga menyukai perasaan mual yang ditimbulkan setelah menaiki ride yang kerjanya hanya berputar pada porosnya....

Another coaster yang cukup seru dinamakan FloorlessCoaster. Coaster yang satu ini merupakan coaster panjang (hampir sama seperti di game RollerCoasterTycoon) yang dilengkapi dengan loop loop yang cukup menarik,. 2 loop berbentuk O dan 2 loop 360.

Wahana terakhir yang dinaiki berupa Bianglala(kata si Robert :Baling-Baling)(*>\sebuah roda sepeda super besar yang pada setiap ujung luar jari2nya digantung sebuah kotak hadiah yang dinaiki oleh manusia2 yang ingin menikmati suasana ketinggian bagakan terbang dengan helikopter/<*) super besar yang merupakan simbol dari JunfusunFancyWorld...

Overall,... The day was more than just plain good...

But not enough to make it a perfect day....

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

a boring life of mine

huaaa.... sendirian di kamar baru,.. seharian menonton felem, rencananya sih mo ngabisin stock felem yang menuh- menuhin harddisk gua,... caught up in a really good movie, judulnya Honey..
felem ini ceritanya tentang seorang cewe yang suka banget ama hip-hop dance... trus tryin to get a career with it,... a lil bit of love,.. and a lot of dream accomplishment,.. Lagu trakhirnya juga bagus banget.. I believe....

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Happy Valentine Day!

A big hug received, and given back....

I am staying, aint I?
Our relationship is far too precious to be sacrificed for things like this....

The decision chosen is highly appreciated...
- -

and Pleeaassseee!
Don't feel guilty to mess with my already messy life, It's the spice of life...
Don't say that I want it,..bcos Love, is not about a single person,..it's about couple....I can feel that we both want it,.. but you and i are just not sure whether the feeling is fake or real....bcos we can only talk everyday, not be able to see each other, not be able to do things together like what we've done in this lovely summer holiday....
Maybe I am fantasizing, maybe what I feel is wrong, maybe I think too much....
But also, maybe it is right...

ps to the star..

Thanks for making today the best day of my life,
Thanks for that one hour in the bus,....

I can feel that the flower is blooming.................................

If you know that I am right, please do not lie to yourself....
If I am mistaken,... please forgive me for writing what i feel,...
because maybe I've fly too high,...too far from reality...

whatever it is,....as a lover, as a soulmate, or as a 學弟
Friendship always act as the basic foundation....

Eien no Tomodachi

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Maybe what written in that piece of paper is true.....

由來硬弦容易斷 每見鋼刀口易傷
惹禍皆閒口舌 招災多為壞心腸
>.< i know it's just a piece of paper taken randomly at a big temple after we pray.........
Jes as simple as that.....

Don't even know what's that suppose to mean exactly! but it keeps botherin me..... and those hurts jes keep coming......

a game of destiny.... and choice.... i am playing it, and be played by it....

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Bertamasya ke gunung neeh

Sorry guys, kalo ada yang yang tersinggung atas judulnya.... soalnya NcNu memang terletak diatas gunung...
Yup... NCNU (National Chi Nan University) salah satu universitas di Taiwan yang memang agak terpencil ... tapi dikompensasikan dengan Suasana gunung yang menyenangkan, pemandangan alami yang menggugah sukma..=p plus udara pegunungan yang bisa membersihkan jiwa dan pikiran .. bayangkan saja,.. musim panas gini, tapi naek motor aja bisa menggigil....

Anyway,.. Yesterday was fun... jam 2 siang sampe di Puli trus dibawa makan es mangga, sampe jinan maen voli (si stella kecium bola lagi tuh.. kali ini tepatnya di idung.. wwakakaka...moga2 ga makin pesek aja dech..=p).. malamnya ke yese di puli makan steak babi... plus ngeliat tingkah laku konyolnya si pinky...huehehehe... And next is the best part of the day... maen biliar... hohoho 2 jam penuh. malah sempet ditantang bola 9 ama stella,.. tapi tetep aja ga tau knapa gua tetep aja menang.. ^^y.....

Hari ini mo ke Sun Moon Lake neh... plus sebuah vihara gede di puli... religious neeh...

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Grow Up!! Man!

Akhirnya pulang ke Taichung,... setelah mengasingkan diri selama sebulan penuh......

Berubahnya keadaan sarang kamar, menjadikan suasana hati superhero ini agak sedikit bete....

things changed:
1. isi komputer gua .. so pasti..
kalo itu aja sih gapapa,. kan ga mungkin komputer abis dipake orang isinya ga berubah sedikitpun... masalahnya sang "pemakai" dengan "perasaan 'ini kan bukan kompi gua!' " sesuka hati menginstal barang2 aneh yang menjadikan sang kelinci berjalan seperti kura kura...

2. travel bag plus kantong obat yang ditaro diatas koper bisa turun sendiri ke atas lante...

3. sampah dimana mana... menjadikan kamar yang sudah seperti sarang kuda semakin menjadi sarang kerbo....

4. make pakaian2 gua tanpa permisi... "gila ga neh anak" gua uda dianggap sodara sendiri kalee..

5. trus shower gel plus shampoo yang dihabisin...*saat ini gua bener2 ga ada shower gel buat mandi...>.<*

Gua bukan permasalahin soal modal hidup gua yang dihabisin dalam sekejap (tapi tetap dipertimbangkan).... tapi gua merasa kalo gua dimanfaatin... memang sih, gua ga pendendam,... apa yang lewat biarlah lewat.. tapi kalo gini trus2an juga bukan hal yang baik buat dia dan gua...
minjam uang aja ga dibalek2in.. sampe dilupakan,..sengaja ga seeh?...

Need to give him some lesson to be learned... we'll see what time will do...

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Happy Father's Day!

I wish to be like you someday...
Remembered a song from Eric Clapton..
My Father's Eyes..

Sailing down behind the sun,
Waiting for my prince to come.
Praying for the healing rain
To restore my soul again.
Just a toerag on the run.
How did I get here?
What have I done?
When will all my hopes arise?
How will I know him?
When I look in my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
When I look in my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
Then the light begins to shine
And I hear those ancient lullabys.
And as I watch this seedling grow,
Feel my heart start to overflow.
Where do I find the words to say?
How do I teach him?
What do we play?
Bit by bit, I've realized
That's when I need them,
That's when I need my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
That's when I need my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
Then the jagged edge appears
Through the distant clouds of tears.
I'm like a bridge that was washed away
My foundations were made of clay.
As my soul slides down to die.
How could I lose him?
What did I try?
Bit by bit, I've realized
That he was here with me
I looked into my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
I looked into my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
I looked into my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.


Strangers Charm

Is it just my feelings?
Was it just the stars?
I invite strangers?
how many strangers have come to ask me or someone around me to ask questions?
3 for yesterday?
4 or 5 for 2day?
I guess it's just my trait....hohoho

I AM! a Sagittarian....And sagittarians ventures everywhere, even to the mind of strangers...

One of the way to learn about this world,.. fun and intriguing..
Rite now I'm still learning to start the conversation... coping with my own heartbeat....rather than waiting for him/her to start the conv....

we'll be there someday... at least I'll be....

Time Crisis

How do they live with it?
This is the Question Stella gave me earlier today when we were waiting for our NTU friends to show up.

They sure still have something to learn about optimizing time...

(lalala) In wei walang si medan lang....(auk ah gelap)...=p

Mission Accomplished

Gua pernah ngomong ke auntie gua kalo gua bakalan pulang hari sabtu jam 12 malam?
I guess i did...
A promise, I did not make,..
Just a hope, to make it back here to be with her when she left Taiwan and back to Indonesia...
And she remembered it!

Spent 1 month in Taiwan, CongLi.
I stroll with her every weekdays, Taipei? bored already.....hahaha
Share the same room and the same floor space with her(the diff is that she slept on a thin foldable bed, while i slept right on the wooden floor).
(Hey! she's my primary caretaker until I was 3 months old!...Gotta respect her, guys!!)

祝妳一路訓風... Cya Later, MaM.....^^

Monday, August 02, 2004

I wanna run!

I wanna run
i wanna run
i wanna run!

run away...

far from reality..

why does it has to be this way...


I am not mad, yet not angry!

Why do you pick me!

why does I have to be the one!

I need somebody,
Yess! i need someone.


to be the one, Why Me!

God! Show me The Way...

This World is too cruel...

too good yet too bad...

Wondrin,.. what is this feeling inside me...

Is it True?
is it True!!


I'm fragile...

i need you, yet i don't

Am I just a passer by,...
looking for a place to sleep,
but accidentally got caught in a game of fate, and feeling...

Those Questions that need answers...
Will Time Tell?

Or Maybe i'll do it my way....
Carpe Diem, seize the day....

Friday, July 30, 2004

What a View,... hohoho....

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
Pretty Huh.. Yepp that's the bridge with the lamps On

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
My 1st sunset by the beach in Taiwan, hope there'll be a second one, and 3rd, and 4rth, and more and more.... (with a special person?who knows...)

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
Now that's what i call a Handy-Man....(that's me !!)

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
1...2....3... Lariiiii!!!

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
Guess Who's that.... (naah, jes a person who's trying to fly a kite)

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
The FootStep of a Dinosaur...*EvilLaugh*

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
Acara menaikkan layang2 di tepi pantai,.... ga naek2 siih.... cuman bisa melayang bentar trus bruk,nubruk tanah.....o.Oa (ga berpengalaman)

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
The Bridge, Yong An Kuan Hai Chiao...without it's lamps

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
is this supposed to be called a channel?

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
The left side

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
The harbour, fishermen's boats are seen in pic (right side taken from above, on the bridge)

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
hohohoho, me, pose terbang(?)

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
Yepp , this is the bridge, the name is written on the right side of the bridge (on the block right side of the pic(not seen))

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello
My Auntie and her 2nd son, we're going to this beach called YongAn.... and that sign is the bridge's

Picture by MnM, posted by Hello

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Taipei Zoo, read it youself Posted by Hello
From left to right, Ersau, Emilia, my Auntie, My Biao ko, and Me..... at YangMingShan National Park.... nice pic yooo... Posted by Hello

Monday, July 26, 2004

hate the sun when it comes to this pic... Posted by Hello

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Aperture:f52.8; Shutter:1/8; Exposure:0; ISO:250; Sony DSC P32....The coolest digicam i've ever use... Hardly used the blitz.. The auto mode is soo cool... u jes need to aim a target, press the button,... and taadaa....u'r done!  Posted by Hello

 The sun shyly hid himself before the clouds.. . yet giving him more power 2 the ray to shine the earth...
Posted by Hello
Aperture:f5.6; Shutter:1/1000; Exposure:0; ISO:100;

It's just a single line where the Sky and the Land kissing each other, for eternity....  
Posted by Hello
Aperture:f5.6; Shutter:1/1000; Exposure:0; ISO:100;
 Another pfoto of Dansui's sky

Aperture:f5.6; Shutter:1/1000; Exposure:-2; ISO:100;Posted by Hello
Rays of sunlight in Danshui

Aperture:f5.6; Shutter:1/1000; Exposure:-2; ISO:100;Posted by Hello
34 seconds to Five on YangMingShan National Park,
Chimed an old song, 愛你愛你 (or so my auntie called)  when the clock rang... a nice song

Aperture:5; Shutter:1/250; Exposure:0; ISO:100; 
The room I stayed while i was in dongshua is the middle room, as you can see there are 3 doors,... the door with lotsa "small shoes" infront is the room where those little devil  cute kids sleeps....

Aperture:f2.8; Shutter:1/8; Exposure:0; ISO:320; Posted by Hello

Aperture:f2.6; Shutter:1/10; Exposure:-2; ISO:100; Posted by Hello
If you don't understand the word in it, then just read below

Guess where I was,...yepp,.. Taipei Train Station, platform 4 (Special platform for EastBound train) Destination DangShua,  
aperture: f5.6; shutter:1/1000; exposure: -2; ISO:100 Posted by Hello
A scene in Danshui, Taiwan. I was there with my auntie, while suddenly got an urge to take a snap to the sun, trying to minimize the exposure, and i got this one... Too bad we can't wait until the sunset.  

A grown-up-kids

Sumtimes,... we old, grown up kids can do things that is sooooo unresponsible.

I swear!! It was my fault.... Doin something without takin a second 2 think about it....
to think about how or with what it will end up....

Made her cost 900 nt to buy 3 new cans of milk powder....

I owe her more than that.....

been a very good host.....

I'll be there again... someday....


nice trip, btw...

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Capek, but Yep, it IS an adventure

Being a tour guide is not an easy task....
goin here and there with only a slightest clue, i guess the god is smiling 2dae,...
2day trip has been very well, that i feel like i'm dreaming...
captured some good pics.... will be uploaded soon....

Friday, July 16, 2004


Emilia di TW!!!


One of Those girl who have more boy-friends than girl-friends.....

She's sure a pretty one, >.< the only girl in a family of 4 children... guess being the third (or the only) sister in the family makes her so special.... esp for her parents n siblings....

Taking a month in chiao ta, gonna makes her a bit tougher...(hope so)...

To You Who is Me,...
I Envy You,...

(don't ask me what that means, cos i don't even think when i wrote it)

Sunday, July 11, 2004

TaiNan... my 2nd time (1st day)

Prakata: Thanx Berat Buat Alex yang uda bersusah payah bersedia menemani kita selama 3 hari dengan mengorbankan pekerjaannya dan segala hal laen yang tak mungkin disebutkan semua di sini......

Jumat 9 juli 2004,

Gotta take a train at 6:57 to Tainan and I don't even bought the ticket yet....
Woke up at 6 caused by my alarm, changed my clothing, and bought a hamburger.. then stepped on a bus to the train station.
Feeling sleepy coz i only started sleeping at around 3.30 am... but on the other side, the feeling of excitement overwhelmed me,...
Bought the ticket, reached the platform around 6.30 am.. ate my breakfast (now i know why they called it a break-fast) then in to the train....

Took the same train as Stella's so we met in the train. I was kinda sleepy... tried 2 sleep, but couldn't.
Arrived at Tainan's station, we walked to the rear exit, coz it is the nearest way to the chengkung's man dorm.... Waited a while for Alex to pick us up,.. ate another breakfast, tofu milk, or so people called...
Put our bags down, Our waiting for Jialing resulted in a movie watched. 13 goin on 30, not a bad movie,(looks like the movie producers are kinda fond of makin movie with magical things interfering a real life, after FreakyFriday and now this).
Alex managed to borrow us a scooter, so I drove 1 with Jialing, and Alex drove his own carrying Stella. Ate a lunch of 10 水餃 ( my 1st deh, kalo cuman makan itu buat lunch), then a bowl of mango ice, And back to Alex's.
Had a nap at Alex's room... Kinda like the room i stayed in rite now, but without the green paint and the cupboards above the long table... at least theirs are better than us....
Woke up, we then had dinner, this time without Jialing, but with Harry(read-Wing) Alex's roomate.
Next destination was billiard center, we played for 2 hours... nice game actuallly..... Then we headed for one of the 6 Tainan's night market(or so Alex told me)... Played 2 sets of bowling after that... with other 4 additional persons that Alex's asked to come with... (Tuna(that's how they called her), Ching Ching, Henry and Alex's junior, Nori(a Japanese guy)...
Not good, yet not a bad game either... asked Stella to throw some balls, but she refused....
And so that day was closed with a late supper at 3 am.....

Nb: Some details might not be on this post caused by the writer's lack of will to write....;p

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

a dream that never ends

I'm havin a real dream that never ends...

i thought i had more than 12hours of sleep 2dae...
from 3am to 2pm n from 4pm to 6pm....(a pig huh..-.-")
well, i am tryin to make myself fatter anyway....

I can't never really remember what my dream is.... suppose that i have a short term memory loss while sleeping.....

i can only blurly remember it... so blur that it isn't considered as remembering it....
I really wanna write it down,.. but i can't....

I was as myself in that dream,... partly conscious, i think.... cos i even can think while having that dream that this dream is really continuos....

Sunday, July 04, 2004

How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes

How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes
written by Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski

Morpheus: I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice. Tumbling down the rabbit hole?
Neo: You could say that.
Morpheus: I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he's expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: 'Cause I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind -- driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Neo: The Matrix?
Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is?
(Neo nods his head.)
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, or when go to church or when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. (long pause, sighs) Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.
(In his left hand, Morpheus shows a blue pill.)
Morpheus: You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. (a red pill is shown in his other hand) You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. (Long pause; Neo begins to reach for the red pill) Remember -- all I am offering is the truth, nothing more.
(Neo takes the red pill and swallows it with a glass of water)

The definiton of Fate by Wachowski brothers,.. kinda deep huh...

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Typhoon, Taifung, Topan

Yesterday, 2nd of July 2004,......

I was stuck alldaylong im my Room!! playin GunBound or Worm or watchin Movie that has been watched "Hundreds" of times be4.. Watchin The Tree infront of my window movin in all direction,...

Goin 2 search for jobs once this taifung's gone

what a holiday's holiday!!

Friday, July 02, 2004

Tirin but fun

2 dae was officially started as 12 noon,... woke up, daily chores,...n suddenly,.. my senior (or should i call him my praticing partner cos we've been a sparin partner for almost a year now) called, asked me whether i wanna play for 2day.... Hey... i can't say no for billiard.... eventhough i thought twice about my purse gettin thinner n thinner .>.<... anyway... played bad in the beginning but getting better as time went by..played like a pro at the last set of 50 balls....
i was concentratin like hell... (after played continuously for more than 4 hours.. my mental is still ON..*also played for 5 hours yesterday*...) i guess im gettin better and better.... lookin for the contact point, concentratin on getting my white ball perfectly touched the contact point... n calculatin the power to be delivered, to place it in the best place to pocket another ball.....

I think, the best part in playin pool is that there's only such a small margin for mistakes..... n it just gets smaller when you want to pocket a long ball...
As with life...

How To Play for Beginners

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

laziest person in dis world

guess i'll jes gonna update below blog....

after Ahau's incident... i took a shower n left for Shengan's room... planned the day's trip somehow.... then called Stella.. told her to met us at the GongGuan's 2nd MRT exit. (while waiting for her, shengan opened a musiclip of a japanese group called V6, scan through the Around the world in 80 days by jumping the clip position, n left the room when she called to Shengan's phone (we gotta walk from the man's dorm coz Shengan's bike was stolen a day b4,) i guess that's why she wait about 20 mins for us..**thanks for the time though** ^.^y)
Met her, had lunch, Me, Shengan, Stella, n Indra (read - Emon).. Then met Stella's friend ( somehow they called her Upil (??)) with her boyfriend (Malaysian, heard Stella said)... We then walked into a "ice restaurant" n I called a bowl of ice covered with mango n strawberry slice (100nt >.<.. 45 onle in TC). Emon took a nap in da resto for about half an hour. (took a pic of his sleeping face but then decided to del it ^.^ *I'm not a "sleeping face" collector* like one of my friend.^0^). After that we walked to a book store, saw a book about malaysian's tourist spots, reviewed some of it with Stella, coz only both of us had been there...
Standing Above the bookstore ( cos it is underground, you can see part of da bookstore from upthere) planning for the next stop of Shilin market... called some Taida's friend (4 o'clock for the exact time, cos they jes finished their GEPT test started at 2). but only Anggie (read-Boss) joined us...(been informed that all the friend Me and Shengan called b4 was also goin to Shilin market at 7.. the time we left for Tanshui *they don't even called back!*...) Emon caught some dolls, I tried but always fails..(spent less than 100nt up 2 now). at 6, Emon gotta get back 2 CungLi cos his friend from Singapore is coming (Ann's younger bro, Malang-Indonesian, but admitted to NTU..they called him Suhu though.. must be a genius..>.<).. after Emon left, with a desperate need for chairs we took Shengan's idea about another "Ice resto".. but this one is special, like snowflake,the ice is softer than cotton... Ate a peach flavored one, with peach slices surrounding the bowl.. Soo YummY... Then we left for Tanshui....
At the Shilin MRT station, Boss wanted to go back, but we persuaded him... Stella also told us b4 that she have never been to Tanshui... Arrived there at around 7,.. told her to look at Tanshui's famous night scene up from the MRT station(although there's nothin but lamps n a dark seaside). met Anggie's younger bro (shoot, forgot his name..billy or sumthin) He took us to ate AGei (a traditional food made from tofu stuffed with meehun).. We Then sat on the seaside dock, tryin to take some pics with my camphone but with no results..>.<..bought a grilled 'squid' or calamari as my roomate called it.. it been a long time since the last time i had one... after about half an hour, walked through a stand of the famous Ripley's believe it or not, saw some strange things, then into a "gift" store.. or should i call (Man's most trusted item store)... after that, ate some bihun,.. n headed back to Taida... More about the Journey

Sunday, June 27, 2004

One Day in Taipei

today, cos i havent finished my activity, or literally, yesterday,...
dari bangun tidur sampe mo tidur ada aja hal2 yang menarik,...

misalnya ,.. bangun aja dipanggilin ahau ,... gara2 kemarin malam secara ga sengaja colokan komputernya kecabut,... gara2 mo matiin satu lampu meja...masalahnya ,... keesokan paginya komputernya tiba2 ngadat...>.<... yaah,.. i fell guilty loor,...
mana ahau bicaranya seperti mau kehilangan satu bagian dari dirinya yang sangat penting... masi untung.. abis buka casing trus dengan (*kekuatan mata dan pikiran orang yang baru bangun tidur*) berhasil membangkitkan komputer yang ngadat tanpa tau sebab akibatnya.....-.-" n we live happily ever after again.....

continue besok deh.. kalo ada kompi kosong buat dibajak...

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Heyyy! That's me with You-know-Who....hohoho PinkyBoy dari Cinan... background: Langit malam di halaman depan perpustakaan NTU yang terkenal..... Posted by Hello
Ini logo sekolah gua dari Jamannya Unyil dan Pak Raden sampe Jamannya Saras Pahlawan kebajikan.... ^.^... sekolah ternama di kota Medan, kota kelahiran..... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


>.< >.< >.<
wanna go to the moon n back....

the moon the moon the moon.....

perfectly placed in front of my window..

is the only word that can describe her...

i can live through this night just by looking at her....>.<

waaaa..... but rite now she is blocked by some dirty clouds....

i want my moon back.....

my feeling is mixed like a drop of coffee in a cup of milk...

moon moon moon....

i think im in love with you...

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

calc exam hari kamis...

tapi gua masi di depan monitor ngisi blog gua...

malas bgt deh buat belj...

huah.. mending minum aer dulu dah...

Monday, April 26, 2004