Just a person tryin to live his life to the fullest

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

a boring life of mine

huaaa.... sendirian di kamar baru,.. seharian menonton felem, rencananya sih mo ngabisin stock felem yang menuh- menuhin harddisk gua,... caught up in a really good movie, judulnya Honey..
felem ini ceritanya tentang seorang cewe yang suka banget ama hip-hop dance... trus tryin to get a career with it,... a lil bit of love,.. and a lot of dream accomplishment,.. Lagu trakhirnya juga bagus banget.. I believe....

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Happy Valentine Day!

A big hug received, and given back....

I am staying, aint I?
Our relationship is far too precious to be sacrificed for things like this....

The decision chosen is highly appreciated...
- -

and Pleeaassseee!
Don't feel guilty to mess with my already messy life, It's the spice of life...
Don't say that I want it,..bcos Love, is not about a single person,..it's about couple....I can feel that we both want it,.. but you and i are just not sure whether the feeling is fake or real....bcos we can only talk everyday, not be able to see each other, not be able to do things together like what we've done in this lovely summer holiday....
Maybe I am fantasizing, maybe what I feel is wrong, maybe I think too much....
But also, maybe it is right...

ps to the star..

Thanks for making today the best day of my life,
Thanks for that one hour in the bus,....

I can feel that the flower is blooming.................................

If you know that I am right, please do not lie to yourself....
If I am mistaken,... please forgive me for writing what i feel,...
because maybe I've fly too high,...too far from reality...

whatever it is,....as a lover, as a soulmate, or as a 學弟
Friendship always act as the basic foundation....

Eien no Tomodachi

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Maybe what written in that piece of paper is true.....

由來硬弦容易斷 每見鋼刀口易傷
惹禍皆閒口舌 招災多為壞心腸
>.< i know it's just a piece of paper taken randomly at a big temple after we pray.........
Jes as simple as that.....

Don't even know what's that suppose to mean exactly! but it keeps botherin me..... and those hurts jes keep coming......

a game of destiny.... and choice.... i am playing it, and be played by it....

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Bertamasya ke gunung neeh

Sorry guys, kalo ada yang yang tersinggung atas judulnya.... soalnya NcNu memang terletak diatas gunung...
Yup... NCNU (National Chi Nan University) salah satu universitas di Taiwan yang memang agak terpencil ... tapi dikompensasikan dengan Suasana gunung yang menyenangkan, pemandangan alami yang menggugah sukma..=p plus udara pegunungan yang bisa membersihkan jiwa dan pikiran .. bayangkan saja,.. musim panas gini, tapi naek motor aja bisa menggigil....

Anyway,.. Yesterday was fun... jam 2 siang sampe di Puli trus dibawa makan es mangga, sampe jinan maen voli (si stella kecium bola lagi tuh.. kali ini tepatnya di idung.. wwakakaka...moga2 ga makin pesek aja dech..=p).. malamnya ke yese di puli makan steak babi... plus ngeliat tingkah laku konyolnya si pinky...huehehehe... And next is the best part of the day... maen biliar... hohoho 2 jam penuh. malah sempet ditantang bola 9 ama stella,.. tapi tetep aja ga tau knapa gua tetep aja menang.. ^^y.....

Hari ini mo ke Sun Moon Lake neh... plus sebuah vihara gede di puli... religious neeh...

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Grow Up!! Man!

Akhirnya pulang ke Taichung,... setelah mengasingkan diri selama sebulan penuh......

Berubahnya keadaan sarang kamar, menjadikan suasana hati superhero ini agak sedikit bete....

things changed:
1. isi komputer gua .. so pasti..
kalo itu aja sih gapapa,. kan ga mungkin komputer abis dipake orang isinya ga berubah sedikitpun... masalahnya sang "pemakai" dengan "perasaan 'ini kan bukan kompi gua!' " sesuka hati menginstal barang2 aneh yang menjadikan sang kelinci berjalan seperti kura kura...

2. travel bag plus kantong obat yang ditaro diatas koper bisa turun sendiri ke atas lante...

3. sampah dimana mana... menjadikan kamar yang sudah seperti sarang kuda semakin menjadi sarang kerbo....

4. make pakaian2 gua tanpa permisi... "gila ga neh anak" gua uda dianggap sodara sendiri kalee..

5. trus shower gel plus shampoo yang dihabisin...*saat ini gua bener2 ga ada shower gel buat mandi...>.<*

Gua bukan permasalahin soal modal hidup gua yang dihabisin dalam sekejap (tapi tetap dipertimbangkan).... tapi gua merasa kalo gua dimanfaatin... memang sih, gua ga pendendam,... apa yang lewat biarlah lewat.. tapi kalo gini trus2an juga bukan hal yang baik buat dia dan gua...
minjam uang aja ga dibalek2in.. sampe dilupakan,..sengaja ga seeh?...

Need to give him some lesson to be learned... we'll see what time will do...

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Happy Father's Day!

I wish to be like you someday...
Remembered a song from Eric Clapton..
My Father's Eyes..

Sailing down behind the sun,
Waiting for my prince to come.
Praying for the healing rain
To restore my soul again.
Just a toerag on the run.
How did I get here?
What have I done?
When will all my hopes arise?
How will I know him?
When I look in my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
When I look in my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
Then the light begins to shine
And I hear those ancient lullabys.
And as I watch this seedling grow,
Feel my heart start to overflow.
Where do I find the words to say?
How do I teach him?
What do we play?
Bit by bit, I've realized
That's when I need them,
That's when I need my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
That's when I need my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
Then the jagged edge appears
Through the distant clouds of tears.
I'm like a bridge that was washed away
My foundations were made of clay.
As my soul slides down to die.
How could I lose him?
What did I try?
Bit by bit, I've realized
That he was here with me
I looked into my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
I looked into my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
My father's eyes.
I looked into my father's eyes.
My father's eyes.


Strangers Charm

Is it just my feelings?
Was it just the stars?
I invite strangers?
how many strangers have come to ask me or someone around me to ask questions?
3 for yesterday?
4 or 5 for 2day?
I guess it's just my trait....hohoho

I AM! a Sagittarian....And sagittarians ventures everywhere, even to the mind of strangers...

One of the way to learn about this world,.. fun and intriguing..
Rite now I'm still learning to start the conversation... coping with my own heartbeat....rather than waiting for him/her to start the conv....

we'll be there someday... at least I'll be....

Time Crisis

How do they live with it?
This is the Question Stella gave me earlier today when we were waiting for our NTU friends to show up.

They sure still have something to learn about optimizing time...

(lalala) In wei walang si medan lang....(auk ah gelap)...=p

Mission Accomplished

Gua pernah ngomong ke auntie gua kalo gua bakalan pulang hari sabtu jam 12 malam?
I guess i did...
A promise, I did not make,..
Just a hope, to make it back here to be with her when she left Taiwan and back to Indonesia...
And she remembered it!

Spent 1 month in Taiwan, CongLi.
I stroll with her every weekdays, Taipei? bored already.....hahaha
Share the same room and the same floor space with her(the diff is that she slept on a thin foldable bed, while i slept right on the wooden floor).
(Hey! she's my primary caretaker until I was 3 months old!...Gotta respect her, guys!!)

祝妳一路訓風... Cya Later, MaM.....^^

Monday, August 02, 2004

I wanna run!

I wanna run
i wanna run
i wanna run!

run away...

far from reality..

why does it has to be this way...


I am not mad, yet not angry!

Why do you pick me!

why does I have to be the one!

I need somebody,
Yess! i need someone.


to be the one, Why Me!

God! Show me The Way...

This World is too cruel...

too good yet too bad...

Wondrin,.. what is this feeling inside me...

Is it True?
is it True!!


I'm fragile...

i need you, yet i don't

Am I just a passer by,...
looking for a place to sleep,
but accidentally got caught in a game of fate, and feeling...

Those Questions that need answers...
Will Time Tell?

Or Maybe i'll do it my way....
Carpe Diem, seize the day....